Environment Pollution Monitoring system using Internet of Things-IoT

Environment Pollution Measurement using Internet of Things By 1. Mahamudul Karim Khondaker 2. Mohammed Junayed 3. S.M Farhan Sadique 4. Noore Juned Environment pollution is one of the most important concerns nowadays in the modern world. Pollution causes serious health hazards to most of the people on earth and is a vital reason behind death of majority of the people. This project based on “Environment Pollution Measurement using Internet of Things” is solely attempted to collect the various types of environment pollutants data from nature and store them in a “Cloud Server” and help the concerned authorities to take the necessary steps in restricting them to a minimum. Data in different areas of Dhaka city was collected using the developed kit and based on the results a categorization of pollution level in different areas was identified. To begin with, we are going to have a unique description regarding the internet of Things (IoT) and how crucial it is in monitoring the everyday pollutants which are demolishing our mother nature. This phenomenon inspires us to integrate the IoT with the Environment Pollution Measurement System to identify the hazardous pollutants and take immediate steps to reduce them. In our work so far, we have used Arduino, which is an open source electronic platform based on easy-to-hardware and software. Arduino boards can read inputs from a sensor and turn them into outputs by obeying the set of instructions given to the microcontroller on the board. This has been achieved by using the Arduino programming language and Arduino programming software. The sole purpose of using Arduino as a medium and not directly send it to the cloud using Raspberry pi is because the sensors in Arduino are analogue but, raspberry pi has all digital ports. Arduino has both digital and analogue pins. The very first approach to complete this project started with gathering the required components, the different sensors which would help us collect the various pollutants from nature in the form of data. Then the collected data was displayed by the LCF display in an Arduino Uno (electronics board) from where the data would be transferred to the Raspberry Pi (Mini computer) which would in turn store the data in the “Cloud Server.” The hardware connections along with the on field work in certain areas of Dhaka to allow the sensors to collect real time data set the tone for the accomplishment of this Humanitarian project. The Analogue data from MQ-2,MQ-135,LM 35,Water sensor, Sound sensor come to the A0-A4 analogue input pins of the Arduino Uno board through wire connections. Different types of sensor are connected with a micro controller, Here we used Arduino Uno. Data are process by Arduino and it send to display as well as cloud server. In our project, the main objective is the measurement of the pollutants in nature and store the data in a “Cloud Server” which would be integrated with Raspberry pi so that, anyone can have access to read the data of various parameters which are responsible for environment pollution using laptops, computers, smartphones or any kind of smart devices through the internet. Here we used gas, smoke, water sound and temperature sensor. Since our project is to serve the welfare of the society, our main goal was to identify the most polluted areas in Dhaka and with the help of the sensors, we have detected the Air Quality which is measured in Parts Per Million (PPM). The Air Quality will define if there is any health concerns or not according to the Air Quality Index that we have provided. According to the AQI Index, there are certain ranges which, if crossed, then the air becomes un breathe able and is therefore not alright for inhabitants. As we can see in the bar chart analysis, we have collected data from various locations of Dhaka to identify the most and least polluted cities in Dhaka. With the help of the air sensors, we have collected and sent those data to the local cloud server for the concerned authority. In the bar chart we have shown the Air Quality measured at different places in Dhaka such as Dhanmondi, Mirpur, Mohakhali etc. In these areas, according to the air quality range, we can identify the scale of pollution in the air due to harmful Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) gases, smoke from chimneys, hazardous release of gases from vehicular excretion etc. With the help of IoT, this system can be spread to monitor more remote areas in Dhaka where the pollution levels might be unexpectedly high. Keeping in mind the current scenario of Bangladesh, the system can also be extended to rural areas, where living standards are below par due to rising pollution levels. Supervisor: Mohammad Mamun Elahi Assistant Professor, CSE Computer Science and Engineering LMC, Cisco Networking Academy United International University United City, Badda, Dhaka-1212.


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